Handfull Hearts aims to provide support to aid, ease and connect parents so they can face an unimaginable situation with strength, optimism and gratitude. I am so blessed to be partnering with Handfull Hearts this holiday season.
On behalf of IG Wealth Management, Hope Help Heal, and The Katie Shea Cardiomyopathy Research Fund, 80 copies of The Pink Balloon were donated for each care basket being assembled.
I spent a lovely morning with Fabiana and my dear friend, Susan Iemma, assembling 80 care baskets for families with babies in the NICUs at Humber River Hospital and Mount Sinai Hospital.
Many thanks to IG Wealth Management (Steve Butchard), and Hope Help Heal (Nancy Shea) for their extremely generous donation of the books and to Fabiana Bachini for sharing her incredibly powerful story and commitment to helping others.
From my heart to yours...wishing everyone a happy and healthy holiday season. 💗